General Meeting Information
Date: October 10,
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 11:00 Call to Order
A Michi Ozaki 11:00 Roll Call
I/D Michi Ozaki 11:00 Approval of Minutes
I/D/A All 11:05 Public Comments
I All 11:10 Advisor Announcements I Dayna Swanson 11:15 Buessiness Item #1
Title: Check-in
This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other.
Prompt: What is the most memorable thing that happened in this quarter so far?
Time: 5 minutes
I/D All 11:20 Buessiness Item #2
Title: Assigning Committee Tasks to Prospective Interns
This item is to assign committee tasks to prospective interns.
Time: 10 minutes
I/D All 11:30 Buessiness Item #3
Title: Bike Program Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.
Time: 10 minutes
11:40 Buessiness Item #4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.
Time: 10 minutes
Dariga 11:50 Public Comments
All 11:55 Advisor Announcements
Dayna Swanson 12:00 Adjournment
Michi Ozaki A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Michi calls the meeting to order at 11:00 AM
Roll Call
Michi Ozaki (Chair)
Minseo Kim
Dariga Burkhanova
X Interns
(No interns yet since this is the 2nd meeting of the quarter)
Dayna Swanson
X Guests
Myles Vongnankhone
Hamza Moharram
Genesis Mailangi
Fiona Chang
Yoon Po Po Aung
Haoru Wang-Max
Bella Eydel
Aroush Fatima
Approval of Minutes
- October 3, 2024
Public Comments
- Dariga had a meeting with Vida and discusses about the swimming pool cover. Scheduled a meeting with the faculty member on Friday to take about advocates and initiatives for ES committee.
Advisor Announcements
- None
Business Item 1
Title: Check-in
Presenters: All
Prompt: What is the most memorable thing that happened in this quarter so far?
Business Item 2
Title: Assigning Committee Tasks to Prospective Interns
Presenters: All
- There are some students who already completed the committee project (cleaning the bike corral), some other tasks are checking the bike maintenance, researching about the Eco fund with Dariga, Preparing the Bike Program Workshop and Eco fund workshop and distributing the old DASB labeled water bottle.
Business Item 3
Title: Bike Program Updates
Presenters: Minseo
- Minseo sent out the emails to the students who applied to the E-bike and waiting to distribute the bike once students attend the orientation. For the regular bikes, we’re still waiting to get the enough bike corral key.
Business Item 4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
Presenters: Dariga
- Dariga updated the Eco fund Microsoft form. It can’t be opened to the public until we get the budget request from the finance committee. We need a new Eco fund logo for the Eco fund. Make sure the Eco fund process more accessible and easier for the people who are going to apply for this. The Eco fund application should be out by end of this week. There will be a rough Eco fund application by tomorrow and it needs approval from Dennis. We need a marketing request for the Eco fund. We can have a Eco fund workshop during the week 7.
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
Mia Lin – 1st meeting
Yewon Kim – 1st meeting
Myles Vongnakhone – 2nd meeting
Bella Eydel – 2nd meeting
Chaela Zaide – 1st meeting
Elisha Wijaya – 1st meeting
Zoe Koswara – 1st meeting
Yoon Po Po Aung – 2nd meeting
Benjamin Vahidi– 1st meeting
Public Comments
- None
- Michi adjourned the meeting at 11:42 AM.