General Meeting Information
Date: October 3,
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Location: Student council chamber
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 11:00 Call to Order
A Michi Ozaki 11:00 Roll Call
I/D Michi Ozaki 11:05 Public Comments
I All 11:10 Advisor Announcements I Dayna Swanson 11:15 Buessiness Item #1
Title: Check-in
This item is for members of the Committee or attendees to get to know each other.
Prompt: Tell us a little bit about yourself (Name, major, hobby etc...)
Time: 5 minutes
I/D All 11:20 Buessiness Item #2
Title: Overview of Committee Goals and Expectations
This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program. This item is to provide an overview of the committee’s goals for the quarter and year, outline roles, responsibilities, and expectations for all members
Time: 10 minutes
I/D Senators 11:30 Buessiness Item #3
Title: Bike Program Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Bike Program.
Time: 10 minutes
11:40 Buessiness Item #4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
This item is to provide updates on the Eco Fund.
Time: 10 minutes
Dariga 11:50 Public Comments
All 11:55 Advisor Announcements
Dayna Swanson 12:00 Adjournment
Michi Ozaki A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Call to Order
- Michi calls the meeting to order at 11:07 AM
Roll Call
Michi Ozaki (Chair)
Minseo Kim
Dariga Burkhanova
X Interns
(No interns yet since this is the 1st meeting of the quarter)
Dayna Swanson
X Guests
Myles Vongnankhone
Hamza Moharram
Genesis Mailangi
Fiona Chang
Yoon Po Po Aung
Haoru Wang-Max
Bella Eydel
Aroush Fatima
Approval of Minutes
- No minutes
Public Comments
- Dariga- There are 2 full boxes of water bottles that used to belong to the previous ES committee 2 years ago. Since they have the old DASG logos we are not able to distribute them, thus we should either repurpose or donate the water bottles.
Advisor Announcements
- Dayna- Welcome everybody to the first ES committee meeting. My name is Dayna, and I’m an advisor for ES, Marketing, & Programs. Additionally I also work for the OCL, and coordinate for the flea market. About the water bottles, you guys can donate the boxes of water bottles to the flea market. Since the weather can get really hot out in the open, and there’s no air conditioning. On vacation next week, won’t be here.
Business Item 1
Title: Check-in
Presenters: All
Prompt: Tell us a little bit about yourself. (name, major, hobby, etc…)
Business Item 2
Title: Overview of Committee Goals and Expectations
Presenters: Michi, Minseo, Dariga.
Business Item 3
Title: Bike Program Updates
Presenters: Minseo
The bike program form was updated, marketing request was submitted to make flyers for the bike program, La Voz wants to write about the bike program in order to promote it.
Currently 46 applicants, the applications will be looked over with OCL staff tomorrow and start distribution possibly by next week. The current inventory(72 bikes) should be enough for the school year, if necessary we will order more bikes at the end of the school year.
Discussed ways on how we can distribute the bikes sooner to students, either by having the applications start on the last week of the quarter before, creating a deadline for the bike program by having the date be the same as the last day to drop without a “W”.
Both the bike program and maintenance stations should be advertised more, preferably have some flyers in the Office of Outreach which is where a lot of first-year students tend to go. Maintenance stations should be checked for their condition, and repaired if necessary.
Dariga: Look into and ask about the number of applicants from the OCL staff for the bike program last school year.
Michi: Planning on having bike program workshops either 4th or 5th week of the quarter.
Business Item 4
Title: Eco Fund Updates
Presenters: Dariga
Dariga: The Eco Fund needs to be updated to an online format to simplify the process and ensure clarity for students. The QR code and website for the Eco Fund will be changed to facilitate access. If there's no submissions are received for the Eco Fund, interns will take over the management of the fund. The current budget for the Eco Fund is $1000. A proposal was made to create an additional poster to encourage student participate in the school community. A few years ago, the budget was $5000. With the current budget of $1000, the focus will be on smaller projects. If larger projects arise, additional funding can be requested.
Michi: Last year, there was a wildflower project, the full $1000 was not utilized. It may be beneficial to consider a larger budget range for future projects. Also, A question was raised about garbage collection and the status of the wildflower project. Michi mentioned that they are considering continuing the flower planting project and installing a fence for protection.
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- None
Public Comments
- Michi- There is an Open House happening after the meeting with DASG, ICC, and M@DA starting at 12: 30. It will be a good way to get to know your senators, and ask more questions.
- Dayna- Thank you for your participation, the ideas and questions are fantastic! Hope to see you guys at our future meetings
- Michi adjourned the meeting at 11:54 AM.