College Operations
Mission: To create and support a multicultural learning environment.
College Operatons include custodial and grounds/landscape operations, emergency preparedness,
facilities rentals, furniture, fixtures and equipment, postal services, sustainability,
and measures C & G bonds.
De Anza College is committed to sustainability in all its operations, from building
construction and renovation to how we generate and use energy.
The College Operations office also serves as De Anza's campus liaison for the Foothill-De Anza Community College district facilities office and police department.
Governance and Oversight
- Campus Center Advisory Board
- Campus Facilities Team
- Resource Allocation and Program Planning Jan 2023 (replaced Administrative Planning and Budget Team)
- Measures G and C Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
Major Documents
- FHDA Facilities Master Plan, 2021-2026
- FHDA Facilities Master Plan, 2016-2021
- College Operations Program Review & Administrative Unit Outcomes 2020-2023
- College Operations Program Review & Administrative Unit Outcomes 2017
COVID-19: Protective Equipment (PPE)
For everyone working on campus, please work with your dean or manager to request personal
protective equipment related to COVID mitigation, such as masks, hand sanitizer, gloves,
air purifiers and plexiglass barriers.
Departments may submit requests online here:
Contact Sally Gore with any questions.
Multifunction Printer-Scanners
All division and department offices now have new multifunction printing and scanning devices that are accessible to employees using their CWID or ID badge. Visit the Managed Print webpage for helpful videos and a map to locate a device near you.