General Meeting Information
Date: March 10,
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:30 Call to Order
A - Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:30-2:35 Roll Call
I/D/A - Maliah Kenoly (Secretary)
2:35-2:40 Public Comments
I/D All 2:40-2:45 Advisor Announcements
I/D Advisors 2:45-2:46 Short Check-In:
If your current mood were a type of music, what would it be? Drop it in the chat!
Time: 1 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:46-2:50 Business Item 1
Committee Updates
This item is to provide updates on all committees, with a focus on the progress of intern recruitment.
Time: 4 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
2:50-3:25 Business Item 2
New/Reactivated Club Applications
This item is to review new club applications, provide feedback, and decide on approval and next steps.
Time: 35 min
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
3:25-3:30 Public Comments
All 3:30 Adjournment
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Jin called the meeting to order at 3:39 PM.
Roll Call
First Name Last Name Position Present (In Person) Present (Virtual) Late Absent Excused Jin Huang Chairperson x Kaung Lett Yhone ICC Chair of Equity x Cecilia Ji ICC VC Chair of Marketing x Amelia Oo ICC Chair of Finance x Audrey Stanly ICC VC Chair of Finance x Dinara Usonova ICC Chair of Marketing x Elizabeth Tsai ICC Chair of Club Affairs x Allison Trinh ICC Chair of Programs x Eric Nguyen ICC VC Chair of Programs x Dicano Darren Liong Intern Ethan Nguyen Intern x Vincent Shao Intern x Nam Nguyen Intern Peter Ramos Intern x Melody Zhang Intern Khant Naing Finance Intern x Phoo Yamhon Intern
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: ICC Election results will be announced soon; keep an eye out for updates
on any changes.
- ICC Chair application is open; ICC Club Affairs and Programs only have 1 candidate at the moment.
- If you would like to continue your position and plan to return next year, you need to apply and run for the position again -- be sure tocheck with Maritza.
- Working on ICC Scholarships Erickson Memorial and La Donna; deadline for Mid April. One is open to ICC Officers and the other is for Clubs involved. You are welcome to join the scholarship committee -- great opportunity to learn for your own application in the future.
- Will receive updates on Club Day, Culture Day etc.
- For scholarship compensation, you need to meet the minimum of committee meetings to avoid any deductions; please send minutes that include attendance and discussion topics/notes.
- Need final intern information for each committee in order to track attendance properly. The intern application will close this Friday, March 14, 2025.
Public Comments
- None
Check In
- All attendees gave their music moods.
Business Item 1
- Finance Committee - No updates.
- Marketing - No updates.
- Programs - No updates.
- Equity - Working with DASG on Culture Week/Day.
Business Item 2
TedxDe Anza Club (On Trial)
- Add the word "club" at the end of their name.
- Can organize as a club event that is open to all students, cannot be considered a college program.
- Maritza will follow up
- Audrey motioned to approve the club under the condition of adding "club" to their name; Dinara seconded the motion, no objections.
- Club will resubmit new club documents to reflect name change.
Kids Code Future (Rejected)- As it is now, does not seem feasible based on the 501c3 status; overlapped between the status and the club (needs to be separate); not approved as a non profit yet.
- Address listed is Fremont High School and find out how involved they are with k-12 students.
- Amelia motioned to reject the club; Audrey seconded the motion, no objections.
Core Consulting (Need to submit new application in spring quarter)- Discussion will need to happen next quarter; cannot be tabled after that.
- Amelia motioned to reject; Audrey seconded the motion, no objections.
- Need clear wording for constitution.
Afghani Student Association (no petition)- Communication sent last Monday; will need to resubmit in spring.
Speech Club
Association for Computing and Machinery (need new advisor)
Speech Club (On Trial)
- Discussion over constitution; noted as having a vague description.
- Audrey motioned to extend the meeting by 15 minutes; Amelia seconded the motion, no objections.
- Kaung motioned to approve Speech Club; Elizabeth seconded the motion, Cecilia rejected.
Vote to on whether or not to approve the Speech Club | Yes - Approve, No - Reject
- Kaung - Yes
- Amelia - Yes
- Elizabeth - Yes
- Dinara - Abstain
- Audrey - Yes
- Eric - No
- Allison (absent)
- Jin -
- Cecilia - Yes
- Speech Club is approved.
Additional Notes:
- Elizabeth will email the rest of the clubs we have more questions about and need more information from.
- Can give a deadline to come to the meeting for them to provide more information on the questions we have.
Public Comments
- Maritza: Please loop Dayna in for all emails that would normally be sent over to Maritza.
- Jin: Thank you for joining our last meeting this quarter!
- Adjourned at 3:39 PM.