Outcomes for Instruction

For Instruction there are three levels of outcomes: Course level outcomes: CSLO a.k.a. CLO, Program level outcomes (PLO) which are those outcomes listed on Certificates of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associate Degrees, and Academic Transfer Degrees, and the overarching Institution Learning Outcomes from De Anza's Mission Statement.

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2024-2025 SLOACSs

Assessments received for Winter 2024 (they will be rolled into accordian below)

Assessments received for Spring & Summer 2024 (they will be rolled into the accordian below)

Instructional Areas

Student Learning Outcome Statements Directly from Course Outlines of Record


Program Level Outcomes From Certificates (COA & COAA) and Degrees

 Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2024-25: Biology, Environmental Studies, Enivironmental Science, Health, Health Technologies, Nursing, Nutrition
Excel Version of same

Programm Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2024-25: BHES Program Level Outcomes

 Business, Computer Science & Applied Technologies

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business, Computer Information Systems, Design and Manufacturing Technologies (DMT), Real Estate
Excel Version of same

Programm Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degree in Division

2023-24: BCAT Program Level Outcomes

2024-25: BCAT Program Level Outcomes Excel version of same


Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Career Life Planning, Counseling, Human Development
Excel Version of same

Creative Arts

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Art, Dance, Film/TV, Music, Photography, Theater Arts
Excel Version of same

Programm Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2023-24: CA Program Learning Outcomes

Disability Support Programs & Services

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Educational Access, Learning Strategies, Physical Ed/Adaptive
Excel Version of same

 Intercultural/International Studies and World Languages

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Intercultural/International Studies and World Languages

Excel Version of same

Programm Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2023-24:
IIS Progam Level Outcomes 

 Language Arts

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Communication Studies, English, ESL, Journalism
Excel Version of same

Programm Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2023-24: LA Program Level Outcomes

Learning Resources

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Library, Learning Assistance, Skills

Excel Version of same

Physical Education/Athletics

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Kinesiology and Athletics

Excel Version of same

Program Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2023-24: PE Program Level Outcomes

Physical Science/Math/Engineering

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24:

Astronomy, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics

Excel Version of same

Program Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2023-24: PSME Program Level Outcomes

Social Science and Humanities

Student Learning Outcome Statements from Course Outline of Record 2023-24: Administration of Justice, Anthropology, Child Development and Education, Economics, Geography, History, Humanities, Paralegal Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology

Excel Version of same

Program Level Outcome Statements for each Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Achievement - Advanced, Associates Degreein Division 2023-24: SSH Program Level Outcomes

Student Learning  Assessments by Division

Academic Services & Learning Resources


Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences Course Level Assessments

SLOACS as webpage
Excel version
SLOACS as webpage
Excel version
SLOACS as webpage
Excel version

Business, Computer Science & Applied Technologies

 SLOACS as webpage

 Excel version


SLOACS as webpage
Excel version


SLOACS as webpage
Excel version



SLOACs updated 2022:Student Learing Outcome Assessments completed 2021-22:  None

Creative Arts


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Disability Support Programs & Services


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Equity and Engagement


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Intercultural/International Studies and World Languages


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Language Arts

SLOACs as webpage
Excel version
SLOACs as webpage
Excel version
SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Physical Education/Athletics


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version


SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Physical Science/Math/Engineering

 SLOACs: None submitted
SLOACs as webpage
Excel version
SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Social Sciences and Humanities

SLOACs as webpage

Excel version 

SLOACs as webpage
Excel version 
SLOACs as webpage
Excel version

Tools to help you with your SLOAC assessment:

Description Link to Presentation/Document
Canvas can collect the data for you!!

Canvas and Outcomes Assessments

Presentation for New Faculty
           May 24, 2024

First Year Experience

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