Information for Instructional Related
Assessment Units
In instructional areas faculty have lead the student learning outcomes project based on a commitment to further student learning. In 2007 SLO coordinators educated faculty and staff about the materials of the project. In 2008-09, the Academic Senate affirmed their position about SLOs. And in June of 2011 approved a resolution asking the officers to request that SLOs be placed in the contract under "professional contributions". The process has been driven by faculty volunteers from each division, acting as Liaisons to expand the process of teaching faculty how to complete a SLOAC process. Teaching the documentation process using the ECMS system was added in Spring of 2010.
The goal for the 2009-2010 year is to complete and document a full assessment cycle (SLOAC) of 60% of the active, core courses taught between Spring 2008 - Fall 2011.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Purpose Statement
The purpose of Student Learning Outcomes is to establish and
institutionalize cyclical processes and procedures developed and driven
by De Anza faculty and staff to define and assess specific observable
characteristics or outcomes that demonstrate evidence of learning that
has occurred as a result of a specific course, program, activity, or
process. Learning outcomes require a shift in
perspective from what is taught to what is learned.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Defined:
The De Anza faculty define and assess Student Learning Outcomes that are overarching, clear, and assessable statements that identify and define what a student is able to do at the successful completion of a specific course, program, activity, or process. These outcomes may involve a combination of knowledge, skills/abilities, and/or attitudes that display behavioral evidence that learning has occurred at a specific level of competency. The ongoing assessment of Student Learning Outcomes is specifically linked to the De Anza College Mission, Institutional Core Competencies, program review, and the planning and budget process, including Strategic and Educational Master Planning efforts.
The Assessment Cycle: Ongoing cycles enable us to achieve sustainability
![Assessement Cycle -Program Review, Create outcomes, Assess, Reflect and Enance](/slo/images/slo-assesscycle.jpg)
SLO Binder
The binder contains information faculty liaisons have shared with their colleagues.Workshop templates and information regarding writings SLO statements to assessment of course level SLO's and documentation.
Certificate, Degree and Program Outcomes
February 26, 2011 is the deadline for submitting CDPO statements. Every Certificate and Degree will have program level outcomes (PLOs). These statements define what a student will be able to do/demonstrate upon successful completion of the certificate or degree. Program level outcomes will also be used as part of the program review process.