Welcome to OTI
The Occupational Training Institute (OTI) is dedicated to helping students prepare for a successful future and provide employers with qualified interns.
OTI provides support for student's immediate barriers such as basic needs, educational supplies and student service assistance. We also provide opportunities to apply course work concepts, gain work experience, develop soft and technical skills, and further define their career choices.
Our hands-on assistance is a supportive pathway toward academic achievement and future employment for all students, with a focus on the underrepresented and under-resourced student.
Our Programs
The Occupational Training Institute (OTI) is the home of
- CalWORKs
- Work2Future
- TAA (Trade Act Educational Agreement)
- CompTechS
We are a department of the Foothill-De Anza district that serves both De Anza and Foothill College.
Affliliated Programs
- CalWORKs is a state-funded, welfare-to-work program designed to help individuals on TANF.
- Workforce Training program, providing support if you've been laid off and are economically disadvantaged - referrals from local Workforce Boards (WIOA) including NOVA, Work2Future, EDD, CTB and all other workforce programs.
- CompTechS provides hands-on IT internships for students seeking careers in Information Technology.
- Student Employment Opportunities are available through both CalWORKs Work Study and CompTechS.
Are You Eligible?
You MAY qualify for services if you meet any of the following criteria
- Unemployed due to a company layoff or closure
- Receiving cash aid (TANF or CalWORKs)
- Receiving food stamps
- Seeking employment for a better job
Employment Services
Job search workshops including
- Resume and applications
- Interview techniques
- Professional dress and appearance
- Identifying and managing challenges
- Job retention
Support Services
- Referrals to child care providers
- Transportation
- Assistance with financial aid
- Tutorial services
- Other services provided as needed.
Contact Us
OTI provides employment training at no cost for eligible individuals. Please call 408. 864.8869 or explore this website for more information.
Our professional staff will help you meet your employment goals or connect you with an agency that can.