College Planning Committee
In 2011 the College Council approved the formation of a College Planning Committee
(CPC). The purpose of the committee is to systematically review all aspects of the
planning cycle under the direction of the College Council.
Charge of the Committee
- Serve as Accreditation Steering Committee when appropriate in the planning cycle.
- Assess institutional goals via an annual report
- Review and propose revisions to the vision, mission, and value statements and Educational Master Plan
- Evaluate the seven-year planning cycle within the context of the Educational Master Plan review
- Evaluate governance and decision making structures and processes
- Oversee the allocation of state allocated Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Funds
Committee Membership
- College Researcher (Chair)
- College President
- Member from the student learning outcomes team
- Co-chair of the Student Services Planning and Budget Team
- Co-chair from the Instructional Planning and Budget Team
- Co-chair from the Administrative Services Planning and Budget Team
- Vice President, Administrative Services
- Vice President, Instruction
- Vice President, Student Services
- Associate Vice President, Communications and External Relations
- Classified Senate executive member
- Academic Senate executive member
- Faculty Association executive member
- Student representative from the De Anza Student Body Senate (2)
- Dean of Career and Technical Education
- Member from the Equity Action Council
- Equity Program Coordinator
- Basic Skills Program Coordinator
- STEM Program Director
Assessment of Shared Governance
Each shared governance group is asked to annually reflect on their processes through three targeted questions each spring. The results of the reflections are published in the annual Educational Master Plan Update and inform the college's planning processes.
Assessment of Institutional Metrics
Each fall the College Planning Committee reviews and assesses the Institutional Metrics within the Educational Master Plan Update and shares the update with College Council.
State Equity Plan and Updates
The CPC overseas the college accreditation process including the writing of the Midterm Report and Institutional Self-Evaluation Report, and Quality Focus Essay (QFE), including an annual progress report on the QFE. More information pertaining to the accreditation process is available here: