General Meeting Information
Date: January 28,
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom (see below for information)
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:00 PM Welcome and Introductions I/D All 2:02 PM Approval of Agenda and Notes I/D/A Armstrong 2:04 PM De Anza College Equity Plan Progress Tracker I/D/A Ramos-Garcia 2:24 PM Professional Development Day
- Garcia
- Burlanescu
- All
2:34 PM Leadership Requests
2:35 PM - Leadership Reports
- General Updates, Announcements, and News
2:45 PM Affirmations
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Meeting Notes
Classified senate met on zoom on Tuesday January 28, 2025. President Dennis Shannakian was unavailable so Debee Armstrong and Juan Diaz ran the meeting which started at 2:12 PM after more senators were present.
Debee pointed out that typically agendas and minutes were approved in the past by consensus rather than requiring a quorum as is done in academic senate and DASG, simply because classified senate has always been more informal due to senators often having schedule conflicts with this meeting.
Shaila Ramos-García and Adriana Garcia presented the equity rubric and the equity action progress tracker, asking senate to approve the rubric which they have spent an entire year developing. (A PDF is part of this meeting's agenda.) The goal is to develop best practices that support equity across campus. They went over each section in detail an answered senators' questions.
The senate enthusiastically approved this rubric which will next be brought to college council.
Juan posted and Adriana announced the professional development day will be held Friday, April 18. Adriana detailed some of the happenings that will occur that day. She emphasized the community of classified coming together builds strength and people supporting each other inspires everyone. She also asked senate for suggestions for a unifying theme for that day.
Adriana gave a report on RAPP'S position recommendations. She also thanked the other classified staff who served with her on the committee. She noted that consensus was a long process, arrived at by many concessions and she read the RAPP'S official report on their decisions which also will be presented at college council.The senate recommended moving one or two non-instructional positions forward from this list: Dual Enrollment Counselor, Faculty Coordinator for Student Activities, General Counseling, Custodial Supervisor, Transfer Center Counselor and MPS Counselor. There was a great deal of support especially for the custodial supervisor position. There was also discussion about the RAPP position priorities.
DASG reported they are planning an upcoming talent show and are currently focused on preparing for elections.
Debee reminded senators the DASG now has scholarships for disproportionately impacted students who want to spend less time working and more time on governance activities to help offset education costs. She urges those who serve students to let them know about this opportunity.
Juan announced representatives are still needed for these committees: campus center advisory, campus facilities and district budget advisory. Any classified staff – they do not need to be a senator can be on any of these committees, Juan pointed out.
Affirmations were given and the meeting adjourned at 3:06 PM.
Links used in chat
- Current Meeting Agenda
- Previous Meeting Notes
- De Anza Equity Plan Progress Tracker
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 868 5864 5754
- Passcode: 283681
- Meeting URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting