Student Using Typing Software while listening to music through Youtube
Coursework Guidelines
All Classes at the De Anza-Hope Program are Non-Degree Applicable Courses. The students of the program participate in classes at either of the two Hope Services Locations, and can enroll in De Anza campus classes with the help of the program's staff.
Career Discovery
This class provides students with the opportunity to identify their needs, preferences, and strengths when it comes to their future career. Also gives them opportunities to visit potential employers, practice interview skills, learn job related social skills, and resume building.
Computer Access Lab
Basic Computer Lab
- Power on Computer/iPad and Log-in
- Access Preferred Software/Applications
- Mouse Pointer Operation
- Keyboard Familiarity and Functions
- Accessibility Settings and Devices
- Reading Software for readers and nonreaders
- Voice-Recognition Software
Advanced Computer Lab
- Microsoft Word/Excel Training
- Typing and Email Communication
- Assistive Software and Technology
- Adobe Premier Elements / iMovie Video Editing
- Media Content Management
Current Events
Instructors and Staff find relevant current events for the students and facilitate discussion. The students develop critical-thinking and communication skills during peer discussion. We use accessible materials to help every student learn about the world around them.
Performing Arts (Music, Acting, Directing)
The class builds students' self-confidence through the performance of musical and theatrical arts. Students must work on comprehending their materials and performing in front of groups of people. The culmination of classes results in a large performance night on stage in front of family and friends.