On June 10, the Institute for Community and Civic Engagement was renamed the Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action in memory of late California State Senator John Vasconcellos. The renaming event took place in the Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC).
Throughout his career, Senator Vasconcellos was known for his work on public education
and his commitment to civic engagement. VIDA will continue the ICCE's mission to empower
students to become agents of change in their communities and beyond.
VIDA could not exist without generous supporters who believe in the power of civic engagement. Following Senator Vasconcellos' passing, VIDA received an extraordinary pledge to perpetuate the vision of the Institute. Community members Jim and Becky Morgan pledged a challenge grant of $198,000 over three years in honor of Senator Vasoncellos' long history of civic work.
Donations to VIDA help to secure funding for future leaders. Gifts today will impact students for years to come. For more information contact Tess Chandler, Executive Director of the FHDA Foundation at 650.949.6149 or chandlertess@fhda.edu or go to foundation.fhda.edu.
A short video of the event is below.