Grads: Share Your Messages and Photos!

We'll publish the Graduation Slideshow on the De Anza website on Thursday, June 23, so you can share it with your friends and family.

grad slide: photo of Nathan Nelson

grad slide: Ananya Bapat

If you’re graduating this year with an associate degree (either an A.A., A.S. or associate degree for transfer) we invite you to submit a brief message of thanks, appreciation or inspiration – and, if you wish, a photo of yourself for our special Grad Slideshow.

Use the online form below to submit your message and photo.

  • Your message should be no more than 500 characters, including spaces. Please double-check your spelling!
  • Your photo should be at least 500 KB in size. (If the photo was taken with a phone, you should submit in the largest size available)
  • Be sure to check how the photo appears as it is framed in the form below.
      • Your photo will be automatically cropped to the shape and size that appears within the frame. This will ensure that the photo will fit on the slide.
      • You can use your cursor and the slider bar to move the photo within the frame, before you click the "Crop" button. When you have the photo framed as you like it, click the "Crop" button.
  • Remember to click "Submit" when you are ready – after you have completed all required fields, typed in your message and cropped your photo.

You must submit this form and attachments no later than Wednesday, June 22.

By submitting this form, you agree that De Anza College may use your name, photo and message in informational or promotional materials. (We reserve the right to edit or reject any offensive content.)

Graduation Slideshow

    default picture of mountain lion with graduation cap

    Drag your picture or click on the button to select file.

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