General Meeting Information
Date: March 11,
Time: 10-11:20
Location: Zoom (
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 10:00-11:20 Group work on Annual Program Reviews I/D All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Attendance, Voting Members:
Mahder Aklilu, Sam Bliss, Sushini Chand, Alicia De Toro, Nazy Galoyan, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Adrienne Hypolite, Simon Kang’a, Kyle Krawez, Alan Ma, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Tim Shively, Martin Varela, Erik Woodbury, Christina Wright
Absent: Garrett King, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Matsuko Estrada Nakamatsu, Elvin Ramos, Aditya Sharma
Welcome and Instructions
Mallory Newell: Welcome to voting members and guests.
Small groups should be wrapping up the reviews of all of their annual program reviews assignments. If they do not finish the reviews today, try to meet and complete all the feedback forms in their folders before next Tuesday when RAPP will reconvene as a large group to finalize everything.
Mallory has been sending out and getting responses to questions the groups have submitted to the assignments tab. There were no outstanding questions at the moment. Hopefully all the questions have been answered.
Put in the assignment spreadsheet any items that have to come back to RAPP for commendation or additional discussion next Tuesday.
Next meeting, there will be a presentation from Lydia on lottery funds and resource requests. Then, they will work to finalize everything that came back to RAPP. Also, to get feedback on improving the process as they move forward.
Mallory reminded everyone to put in the last tab anything that they want to refer back to the full committee either for commendation or for full committee review. Please check the criteria for bringing something back to RAPP.
Mallory went over the timeline on the RAPP 2024-25 Planning Calendar
March 11: Review of Program Review Reflections.
The committee is finalizing their work in this meeting.
March 19: RAPP review all feedback and finalize Program Review Reflection feedback to areas
Next week will be the last meeting for the quarter. Have everything done by next Tuesday.
Erik Woodbury suggested next week will be a good time for people to bring up any programs that they particularly want to highlight, like kudos or call outs
Lydia Hearn: Reminder
March 14 (Friday): Due: Resource requests (final). Ensure Budget office reallocates any unused funds previously allocated that have gone unspent for one year
Lydia has been working with the areas to give feedback and make necessary adjustments. Final drafts from the deans and managers are due this Friday. RAPP will review the resource requests as a group in the spring. The process will be similar to what they did last year. If the requested amount is lower than the available funds, then things would be much easier. She has been working the deans and areas to determine the accurate and desired amounts. Then, the committee can review them like they did last year.
Mallory; RAPP will not meet finals week and the first week of the spring quarter.
April 9: Provide program review feedback back to the areas
In the first week Mallory will send out all the feedback to the areas all of the program review feedback RAPP has finalized.
April 15: RAPP review resource requests
Week Two. They will start at their first meeting with a review of the resource requests.
Then they will start immediately with training for the spring personnel requests.
April 30: Forms due: Personnel requests (round 1); train RAPP members on personnel prioritization review process
Remind all constituency groups that the personnel requests will be due April 30th for the spring (round 1).
April 18 (Friday): Training: Chairs/managers - Personnel request forms and personnel prioritization process (round 1)
RAPP will spend most of spring reviewing the personnel requests in round one. They will prioritize the requests but won’t make any decisions in spring. Next fall, they will combine the spring and fall requests and make final decisions for recommendation to the College Council.
Group work on Annual Program Reviews
The small groups went into breakout rooms to finalize their feedback forms. Those not finished will schedule times outside the meeting to complete the forms before next Tuesday.