General Meeting Information

Date: February 4, 2025
Time: 10-11:20
Location: MLC and Zoom

Zoom information located at the bottom.

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10:10-10:05 Welcome and Approval of Minutes from January 28 A Woodbury
    10:05-10:15 Feedback from College Council on Employee Prioritization I/D Hearn

    Annual Program Review:

    • Review program review process and timeline
    • Review feedback form
    • Group Assignments
    • Begin review process
    I/D Newell

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Attendance, Voting Members: 

    Mahder Aklilu, Sam Bliss, Sushini Chand, Alicia De Toro, Nazy Galoyan, Lydia Hearn, Michelle Hernandez, Adrienne Hypolite, Simon Kang’a,  Garrett King, Alan Ma, Andre Meggerson, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Matsuko Estrada Nakamatsu, Mallory Newell, Aditya Sharma, Tim Shively, Martin Varela, Erik Woodbury, Christina Wright

    Absent:  Elvin Ramos

    Welcome and Approval of Minutes from January 28

    Welcome to committee members and guests.

    Review the January 28  minutes and submit any changes and corrections to So Kam.

    Feedback from College Council on Employee Prioritization

    Lydia Hearn started the meeting with a report from the College Council.

    The College Council accepted and approved the RAPP recommendations for 8 instructional and 2 non-instructional positions. They advanced the recommendations and data to the president for review. 

    RAPP asked the College Council for direction on their next step. Since there was enough funding for 11 positions, should RAPP go back to pick one more position or did the College Council have enough information for the 11th position. The College Council chose the latter option. Therefore, RAPP was done with personnel prioritization for 2024-25. They will start the next round of personnel requests in the spring.

    The president, after he has reviewed all the positions, will make the final decision and select the 11th position. The president will communicate his decision via email to the College Council and the RAPP committee to expedite the hiring process. He did not want to wait a full month until the next College Council meeting.

    The president thanked the committee for their work on a difficult task. The tri-chairs were proud that the committee reached consensus to recommend the 10 positions. The College Council also recognized their effort.

    RAPP will transition their work to program reviews.

    Program Review and Resource Allocation

    Mallory Newell: The annual program review updates and the resource allocation requests drafts were due last Friday.

    Resource Allocations

    First, the draft resource requests go to Vins Chacko, CTE Program Coordinator to review for SWP/Perkins fund allocations. Then, Lydia Hearn, Area VP, will work with all the areas to finalize draft documents for committee review in March.

    Program Review Training

    They received 84 Program Review Updates

    Program Review Process 

    The De Anza program review is a three-year process.  Last year each area completed a much longer comprehensive program review. RAPP provided feedback to every area that submitted a report. For years 2 and 3, the annual program review is a much shorter update. This year RAPP will be engaged in the annual program review process. They will be reviewing the annual program review updates and providing feedback.

    Mallory conducted a survey on last year’s comprehensive program review process. They made adjustments based on the feedback. She will be doing another survey for feedback on the annual program review process for further improvements. 


    RAPP have the month of February and the beginning of March to work on their reflections. They have set aside the next six meetings for this work to review the program reviews in groups. They will provide feedback back to the areas at the beginning of the spring quarter.

    RAPP Feedback Form

    RAPP will use one feedback form for all the annual program reviews.

    For the comprehensive program review last spring, there was a specific form for each area. All of the forms for all of the areas for the comprehensive program reviews are available on the website for consultation and transparency.

    The annual program review feedback form is a much shorter form. It is one form for all the areas. This is a more streamlined process to provide review and feedback.

    Group Assignments

    The committee will do their work in 5 small groups. Each group has administrator, classified professional, and faculty representatives. Some groups also have student and affinity group representatives.

    Committee members can access their assignment in the OneDrive link provided by Mallory. Each group has a folder that has 17 programs and 17 review forms. Rename the form to the name of the program to be reviewed. This is a shared document, so group members can all be working on it at the same time


    On the feedback form, the boxes on the first column correspond with  specific questions on the annual program review update form. 

    There are 3 columns for giving feedback. 

    • Commendations: Start with the positive. How have they done well? 
    • Feedback for Improvement: How might they have addressed this more thoroughly? 
    • Comment: Optional.

    Mallory highlighted the last box in the first column: Does the Annual Program Review Reflection need more attention?

    • Is the form incomplete or lacking detail? If so, provide a short description as to why the form is being sent back to the area for revision.
    • Review additional criteria and justify why the review should be referred back to RAPP.

    Begin Review Process

    The 5 small groups went into breakout rooms to start their review work.

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Meeting ID: 878 7500 9960
Passcode: 022375

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