General Meeting Information
Date: March 5,
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 826 0620 3899
- Passcode: 680968
- Meeting URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 4:00 PM
Call to Order
- Luca Paliska
4:00 PM
Roll Call
- Maliah Kenoly
4:01 PM
Approval of Minutes
- February 26, 2025
- Senators
4:02 PM
Public Comments
- All
4:07 PM
Budgeter's Comments
2025-2026 DASG Budgeter Comments Sign-up Form
Please Note: This segment of the meeting is reserved for 2024-2025 DASG Budget Requestors to comment on their requests. Each program/account, not individual person, will be allowed up to two (2) minutes maximum to speak on their own funding request.
- All
4:12 PM
Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
4:17 PM
Senate Announcements
- Senators
4:22 PM
Student Trustee Announcements
- Iris Li
4:27 PM
External Shared Governance Committee Reports
- Senators
4:32 PM
Internal DASG Committee Reports
- Senators
4:37 PM
Consent Calendar
1. Remove Aura Ozturk as Elections Commissioner
2. Appoint Christian Tiongson as an Intern for Administration Committee
- Senators
4:38 PM
Business Item 1
Resolution Declaring the Foothill-De Anza Community College District to be a Sanctuary District
This item is to consider supporting student efforts in advocating for a Sanctuary District resolution to protect and support undocumented students.
Time: 20 Minutes
A - Shaila Ramos-Garcia
- Matsuko Estrada Nakamatsu
4:58 PM
Business Item 2
DASG Code of Conduct Changes
This item is to review and discuss changes made to the DASG Code of Conduct.
Time: 20 minutes
I/D - Wadi Lin Lei
5:18 PM
Business Item 3
Scholarship Compensation Amounts Discussion
This item is to review and discuss the current methodology used to determine the current scholarship compensation amounts.
Time: 40 minutes
- Luca Paliska
5:58 PM
Business Item 4
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) - SECOND (2ND) VOTE*
This item is to present the allocations for the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) totaling $1,355,566.98.
2025-2026 DASG General Budget (Fund 41)
Time: 120 minutes
- Finance Committee
7:58 PM Public Comments
- All
8:03 PM Advisor Announcements
- Advisors
8:08 PM Introduction of Prospective Senators
- Prospective Senators
8:13 PM Adjournment
- Luca Paliska
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Luca called the meeting to order at 4:09 PM.
Roll Call
# Last First Present Late Absent Online Left Early Excused 1 Paliska Luca X 2 Ozturk Aura X 3 Sharma Aditya X 4 Bravo Katia X 5 Hon Veronica X 6 Wang Shiqi X 7 Ozaki Michi X 8 Huang Jin X 9 Li Iris X 10 Abukhater Rami X 11 Burkhanova Dariga X 12 Chu Ryan X 14 Hartono Lauren X 16 Kim Minseo X 18 Ku Javin X 19 Lei Wadi Lin X 21 Madrid Joshua X 22 Min Jin Gi X 24 Nguyen Van Loc X 25 Pham Victor X 26 Shaikh Fatima Zehra X 27 Shamarao Anish X 28 Teng Yan Ming X 29 Van Hoa X 30 Estrada Nakamatsu Matsuko X 31 Aklilu Mahder X 32 Washington Lia X 33 Truong Nhi X 34 Yung Yin Wa X 35 Krawez Kyle X 36 Chang Tracy X
Approval of Minutes
- Aditya motioned to approve the minutes for February 26, 2025.
- Joshua seconded the motion, motion passed.
Public Comments
- None
Budgeter's Comments
- In Person: Diana Agerbite (VPAC Center) funds are crucial to helping out de anza students at the museum. Classes visited include writing, reading, creative minds, etc.
- Online: None
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: Election - do not need to extend the end of the election; have more than the minimum amount needed. 2 or 3 positions that do not have minimum majority yet. We have 2 more days left in the election to meet that minimum. If needed, hope to structure the run offs as an extension. Votes can be adjusted if needed. All purchases needed for upcoming events need to be submitted as soon as possible.
- Dayna: N/A
- Dennis: N/A
- Maliah: N/A
Senate Announcements
- Hoa: Will be resigning after this quarter.
- Luca: Aura has resigned from the position as DASG Elections Commissioner.
- Veronica: Will be resigning upon completion of this quarter; Victor will be taking place as DASG Chair of Marketing.
- Shiqi: Will be resigning; Anish will be taking spot as Chair of Programs.
Student Trustee Announcements- For business Item 1, Iris will be relaying back to the board. Please be mindful of that item.
External Shared Governance Committee Reports
- Tracy: General Education met on 11/28; discussion on possible name change of area 6.
- Kyle: RAPP met on March 4 and committee reports.
- Van: College Planning met to discuss accreditation timeline.
- Victor: Academic Senate met on Monday, 3/3 - Foothill De Anza.
- Javin: ASFC getting push back from the college; senate
- Van: Guided Pathways went over the learning community integration and revised requirements for IGETC.
Internal DASG Committee Reports
- None
Consent Calendar
- Aditya motioned to approve the consent calendar; Ryan seconded the motion, no objections.
Business Item 1
Resolution Declaring the Foothill-De Anza Community College District to be a Sanctuary District
- Shaila, Nhi and Matsuko presented the item.
- Joshua moved to endorse this resolution; Javin seconded the motion, no objections.
- Resources referenced:
Business Item 2
DASG Code of Conduct Changes
- Wadi motioned to table this item indefinitely; seconded by Aditya, no objections.
Business Item 3
Scholarship Compensation Amounts Discussion
- Aditya and Victor presented the item.
- Clarification questions were addressed.
- Initial scholarship was set by DASG leaders from the 2023-2024 senators; determined that the president's amount would be more than the other officers.
- Peer evaluation is factored into scoring; opportunity to give clear feedback to each other.
- For the Fall 2024 compensations, advisors tried to keep it to what we have evidence for in making deductions.
- Need to discuss if scholarship compensations are merit or need based; if compensation is increased for all senators then it would require more funding.
- Question of whether it is possible to reach out to organizations about obtaining funds for scholarships. There is no guarantee of sustained funding.
- Point made to refrain from comparing DASG senate to the LA Community College Senate given the difference in scale, funding needs etc.
- Dennis provided history and context of the DASG Senate/Mentors etc regarding equity; DASG has been trying to increase the diversity of the senate. District does not offer the stipend option. Budget was a huge factor in determining the inital amounts for the compensation.
- Ryan motioned to extend time by 20 minutes; Aditya seconded the motion, no objections.
- Discussion took place on whether the scholarship should be need based vs merit based.
- If increases are needed for DASG to consider also making increases for ICC and Mentors.
- Anish motione to end discussion; Aditya seconded the motion, no objections.
Business Item 4
2025-2026 DASG Budget – Fund 41 (DASG General Fund) - SECOND (2ND) VOTE*
- Aditya presented the item.
- Aditya reviewed the senate approvals for each category.
- Javin motioned to approve the 2025-2026 DASG Budget for Fund 41 totaling $1,355,566.98.
- Wadi seconded the motion, no objections.
- The budget deliberations have concluded.
- Luca called a recess for 1 hour.
Public Comments
- Wadi: Please collectively put name tags on the table in an orderly manner so whoever collects them has an easier job putting them away. Thank you.
- Javin: Having a hiking even next Friday; unofficial Mentors at De Anza event -- please sign up!
- Iris: Honors Program hosting a research symposium held in the spring quarter.
- Victor: DASG Bonding is coming up; fill out the form in the senate chat.
- Mahder: New club formed called Students for Justice in Palestine, Instagram: @deanzaSJP
Advisor Announcements
- Maritza: If wanting to use the Student Council Chambers, please let Maritza know. General DASG Scholarship, trying to restructure it so it is done in a timely manner. In the future, we would like for it to be a year long committee. If planning to apply for the DASG/ICC Scholarships, this would be a great opportunity to be on the other side and read the scholarships. Will be open on April 18, 2025. We will need you all to promote it as much as possible before then, you would be reading the scholarships on your own time.
- Maliah: None
- Dennis: None
- Dayna: None
Introduction of Prospective Senators
- Madhav Shukla - Student Trustee
- Naim Pichov -DASG/ICC Chairperson
- Luca adjourned the meeting at 7:14 PM.