General Meeting Information
Date: January 13,
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Discussion Leader
Call to Order
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
Roll Call
- Maliah Kenoly (Secretary)
Public Comments
What was the most memorable thing you did over winter break?
Time: 5 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
Business Item 1
Committee Updates
This item is to provide updates on all committees, with a focus on the progress of intern recruitment.
Time: 5 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:50-3:00 Business Item 2
Club Day Planning
This item is to discuss updates and finalize plans for Club Day, including performances, booths, and activities.
Time: 10 min
- Allison Trinh (Chair of Programs)
- Eric Nguyen (Vice Chair of Programs)
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
3:00-3:05 Business Item 3
Culture Day Planning
This item is to brainstorm and discuss themes, activities, and logistics for Culture Day.
Time: 5 min
- Allison Trinh (Chair of Programs)
- Eric Nguyen (Vice Chair of Programs)
- Kaung Lett Yhone (Chair of Equity)
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
3:05-3:15 Business Item 4
New/Reactivated Club Applications
This item is to review new club applications, provide feedback, and decide on approval and next steps.
Time: 10 min
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
3:15-3:25 Business Item 5
ICC Elections Discussion
This item is to discuss timelines, processes, and promotional strategies for upcoming ICC elections.
Time: 10 min
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
3:25-3:30 Public Comments
All 3:30 Adjournment
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Jin called the meeting to order at 2:35 PM
Roll Call
Present - Jin, Audrey, Amelia, Allison, Eric, Dinara, Cecilia, Kaung, Elizabeth, Audrey, Amelia, Allison, Eric, Dinara, Cecilia, Kaung
Interns - Phoo Yamhon (ICC Admin), Peter Ramos (ICC Marketing), Dicanio Liong (ICC Admin and Programs), Vincent Shao, Ethan Nguyen,
Public Comments
- None
Check In Question
- All attendees shared their responses to the check in question.
Business Item 1
- No committee updates.
Business Item 2
- Allison gathered opinions on the theme for winter club day.
- Discussion took place on activities and prizes to host on club day as well as the flyer set up. Suggestion for a Frozen theme was discussed.
- Tables often times get taken quickly before the event; beverage order needs to be drafted and submitted.
- Performances will take place and have money to give out award prizes to clubs for club day categories.
- Set up for RSVP forms and Sign up sheets were discussed.
Business Item 3
- Kaung discussed Culture Day Planning and whether to collaborate with DASG.
- Possible week instead of one day; aiming for Spring quarter; more discussion next meeting.
Business Item 4
Mandarin Mosaic Club (Rejected)
- Audrey moved to reject the application; Kaung seconded the motion, no objections.
Statistics Club (Rejected)- Amelia motioned to reject the club; Cecila seconded the motion, no objections.
3D Motion and Game Design Club (On Trial)- Audrey motioned to approve; Dinara seconded the motion, no objections.
- Audrey motioned to extend the meeting by 15 minutes; Amelia seconded the motion, no objections.
Table Tennis No. 1 (On Trial)- Cecilia motioned to approve under the condition of revising their constitution; Amelia seconded the motion, no objections.
- Audrey motioned to extend the meeting by 5 minutes; Cecilia seconded the motion.
Ukrainian Students at De Anza Association (On Trial)- Amelia motioned to approve; Dinara seconded the motion, no objections.
All in One Mahjong Society (Tabled)- Allison motioned to table the club app for the next exec meeting; Audrey seconded the motion, no objections.
Business Item 5
- Maritza needs dates and times for future ICC Info Sessions.
- Discussion of coming up with a draft.
Public comments
- Holiday next week; not much time to approve more clubs at the moment. Review club applications before the meeting to get through them in a timely manner.
- Meeting adjourned at 3:51 PM.