The Computer Information Systems facilities include classrooms for traditional instructional
presentation, "wired" and wireless classrooms for presentations requiring instructor
and student computer use, online classes (see Online Education), and a open laboratory in the Administration Building.
For classes requiring students to work on a computer, CIS maintains a computer facility in the Administration Building. Located in room ADM 119, the facility includes approximately 50 networked computers with a variety of software that can be used to complete class assignments and projects. If you have questions regarding your computer accounts, please visit the staff located in ADM119 who will be happy to assist with your account related problems.
Remote access students enrolled in distance learning and telecourses may call the information line, (408) 864-8924, in the lab to report system problems or check on system status. Note that this is not a help desk and that individuals monitoring the phone have not been trained to provide technical support. In addition, this phone number is not to be used to locate students who may be in the lab as the lab does not have the facilities to do so. If you have an emergency, please contact De Anza's police department: (408) 864-5555.