Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring 2010

Meeting Notes - January 18, 2012


DASB representative, Tanikella thanked the SSPBT for the amazing job they do and how much she has learned from attending the meetings, i.e. Measure C funds and budget.

College Council Meeting - Thursday, 1/19. Murphy will discuss the budget proposals that were presented, his decision and the next steps. Everyone is encouraged to attend the meeting.

Goals & Priorities 2011-2012

 Program Reviews

--Annual Updates and Comprehensive – Haynes provided a handout of the criteria used last year for annual PR updates noting it had more than was necessary. Suggestion - revising the PR update criteria to focus on student learning outcomes and resource allocation.  Handout of criteria from previous comprehensive PR before SLOs. This quarter focus on what we want from PRs, summary of this year’s activities (outcomes) any changes in the program and resource allocation. Suggestion -  a sub group review and make the criteria more concise, then develop a timeline for SS PRs, an established cycle that works for SS. Map out what the process and purpose is for PRs and updates and how connected to budget and planning and decision-making that improves services to students. By fall of this year, the Accrediting Commission will hold us to the term of “ proficiency”.  Proficiency shows a complete integration approach and evidence that it is working (SLOs are incorporated in PRs and used in decision making). Suggestion – look at calendar developed by College Planning Committee. Connect with Newell about information needs. 

--TractDat working on mock up. SS SLOs have been downloaded. Handout sample document program printout. Working on making documents user friendly and to identify TractDat contact in each department.

Sub group to work on recommendations for review of the criteria for Annual PRs (APRU) – Cabellero de Cordero, Haynes, Mieso, Leonard to be brought back to the group for discussion.

--Program Service Viability Plan

SSPBT agreed to identify a SSPBT meeting to develop a Program Service Viability Plan for SS, using the Instruction document as a model. Suggestion made to start with terminology. Use practical examples to describe what we want to do and the process. An example is the change in DSS, where students are now registering themselves, except for those that need accommodation, which is a change in service.

--Veterans Roadmap

The plan is to design a system related to services for veterans, although it is acknowledged that there is a Veterans club on campus, they are not a service provider.

Update - the Veterans Coordinator will start looking at the resources already in place for general outreach and once the areas or individuals are identified they will be included on the road map. Then work with Marketing to create a document and make it available on an intake basis or in general. 

Some counselors have expressed an interest in developing veteran specific services in counseling and education planning. SSPBT agreed to have a broader conversation, including those that were involved in the original planning, about veterans’ services on campus.

--Service Alignment Due to Budget Reductions

Information from Financial Aid –  the decrease in fee waivers due to fewer BOG funds will affect students.

Difficult to keep students on a path to success and need to provide an outline of what they should do, starting with the first quarter.

Don’t over schedule classes.

To help students on a waitlist, offer priority registration in some classes to a cohort group that had been previously locked out. Important for ISP students that need at least 12 units each quarter and would involve collaboration between Student Services and Instruction.

Problem noted - offering enough classes when students want them.

SSPBT agreed to designate a meeting to discuss these issues. Start the conversation at the All Deans/Managers meeting. Leonard asked to discuss the waitlist situation with division chairs.

Recommended discussion with ISP students, Counseling and Admissions about  classes students were not able to get into.

Next meeting prioritize the goals.

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